Fitness for Services
Fitness for Service (FFS) is a standard and best practice used in the oil and gas industry to determine the fitness of in-service equipment for continued use.
Our experts are highly experienced in the development and application of FFS techniques, particularly for the avoidance of brittle and ductile fracture and also general and local metal loss. SNIS can help solve problems that may arise throughout the lifecycle of a component – from design to decommissioning – minimising risk and cost.
SNIS staff are actively involved in the ongoing research and development of industry standards such as API Fitness-for-Service: API 579-1/ASME FFS-1. we perform FSS stage wise evaluation upto Level-3 by using well known FSS softwares to further precise and strengthen our evaluations. we have a team of NDE experts who give necessary inputs during inspection stage so that we can accurately gather data for further FFS calculations.